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Shopping Spree

Consumer Behavior 1

Consumer behavior is one of the most extensively researched areas in microeconomics. Initially, the field was dominated by approaches based on neoclassical economics. The most fundamental of these early approaches was expected utility theory, which argued that consumers have complete information about each product, evaluate that information in a deliberate and exhaustive manner, and ultimately choose the product that has the greatest utility (subject to constraints of money, availability, etc.)

More insight on consumer behavior 

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Clothing Subscription


The Effect of Curation Type in Clothing Subscription 


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Presentation-order effect of product images


Luxury marketing in social media: the role of social distance in a craftsmanship video.


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Visual communication of luxury fashion brands


What makes consumers purchase apparel products through social shopping services?


Consumer behavior research faculty

Consumer behavior research faculty

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Dr. Jung Eun Lee

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Dr. Angie Lee

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