Consumer and Design Sciences, Auburn University
Dr. Jung Eun Lee is a prominent figure in the field of promotion and advertising, particularly within the context of fashion consumers. Her research revolves around understanding how consumers assess advertisements and promotions, offering invaluable insights for marketers to communicate effectively. She has explored topics ranging from price promotions to luxury retail ads and social media campaigns. Dr. Lee also examines the interplay of technology, such as AI and NFTs, in shaping consumer behavior and the fashion industry. Prior to joining Auburn University in 2023, Dr. Lee worked at a land grant university, Virginia Tech, for nine years. She has authored over 50 works, including 20 peer-reviewed research papers, 9 juried design exhibitions, and 30 refereed international and national conference presentations. Her research is published in prestigious journals including the Journal of Business Research, Psychology & Marketing, Computers in Human Behavior, and Clothing and Textile Research Journal. Looking ahead, Dr. Lee aims to expand her research to embrace diverse populations and integrate innovative retail technologies.
“Organizing the order of images on a retail website incurs no additional costs but can significantly influence consumer preferences and boost sales.”
Dr. Jung Eun Lee
Associate Professor in Consumer and Design Sciences
Recent Projects
Presentation-order effect of product images
Luxury marketing in social media: the role of social distance in a craftsmanship video.
Visual communication of luxury fashion brands
Areas of Expertise
Ph.D. in Fashion and Retail Studies
Minor: Quantitative Psychology
The Ohio State University
M.S. in Fiber and Polymer Engineering
Hanyang University, South Korea
B.S. in Clothing and Textiles
Minor: Business Administration
Hanyang University, South Korea
Honors and Awards
Clothing and Textile Research Journal Most Cited Publication Paper Award, 2023 International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Conference
L’Oréal Professorship in Creativity Marketing Award, 2018 Global Marketing Conference (GMC).
Recognition of Teaching Excellence, Center of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Virginia Tech
Paper of Distinction Award, 2017 International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference